How to use FiSSC's service (For Companies) Job Hunting 24.04.01

At the Fukuoka international Student Support Center (FiSSC), we match hiring companies with job hunting international students free of charge, with a licence by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.

We renewed our homepage on the 1st April 2024, and now companies can register with us and upload job postings using ‘My Page’.

If you are interested in seeking international students as employees (full-time or part-time), please register with us.

First, please apply via the ‘Company Information Pre-Registration Form’. After completing the simple process laid out below, you will be able to upload job postings to our website.

【Company Information Pre-Registration Form】

【Job Posting Process Overview】
Company Pre-Registration (submit email address)
Company Registration (submit information about your company)
FiSSC will verify your registration.
※If there are any issues, we will ask you to correct and resubmit.
You can create a ‘My Page’ for your company.
From there, you can submit job postings for approval.
FiSSC will verify the job posting.
※If there are any issues, we will ask you to correct and resubmit.
Once verified, the job posting will be made public to registered international students.
・For full-time jobs: Job postings can be viewed by students who are registered with FiSSC attending graduate schools, universities, junior colleges, technical colleges, and FiSSC member universities
・For part-time jobs: Job postings can be viewed by students who are registered with FiSSC attending graduate schools, universities, junior colleges, technical colleges, vocational schools, and Japanese language schools

If there are students who are interested in applying for your job posting, we will contact your company. Then, please inform FiSSC of the results of your screening process.

If you have any questions about using FiSSC’s website and the process of hiring international students, please feel free to contact us.

FiSSC Flyer (For Companies) Front
FiSSC Flyer (For Companies) Back